We undertake complete machine reconditioning and overhauling following an organized procedure to bring back a worn out machine to it's best geometric accuracy and production output.
All works like dismantling, scraping, change of parts, assembly etc. happen in-house under supervision assuring the best out come on the machine
In the process of re-conditioning the arm / bed / base is ground on our Slideway Grinder, screw rods replaced with new ones, electrical panels completely re-wired and change of mostly all bearings, re-winding (or replacement) of motors, change of worn out parts and painting the machine.
The accuracy of the machine is maintained within permissible limits. The procedure of re-conditioning is as follows:
Dismantling of the machine, sub-systems and through cleaning of all parts.
Inspection to identify and decide on the parts to be changed.
Grinding and scraping of all axes to restore geometrical alignment and accuracies.
Suiting of gibs.
Picturing of slides wherever necessary.
Replacement of screw rods.
Pre-assembling of parts.
Re-assembly of machine.
Electrical assembly/repairs including re-wiring.
Checking of geometrical alignments.
Painting of the machine.
Final trials by customer at our end.
Machines need to be sent to our premises in Bangalore for reconditioning and repairs.
Pictures of some machines reconditioned by us shown below.
Get in touch for an estimate!